I've just finished reading novel #7 in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward.
Can I say OMG again??
This book is awesome from page one until the very last in the book. JR has returned to her original writing style that she had in her first three (and her best) books. This book was all about relationships and the depth her characters go through. She had unfortunately strayed from her formula for "Lover Unbound" (one of her most anticipated books) and for "Lover Enshrined." Both were good reads, but lacked the intense volley that went back and forth between her troubled Brother and his intended. Had she written those two books according to her tried and true formula, they would have rocked the house. Don't get me wrong; they really were good reads, just not up to JR's usual snuff.
But man, did she redeem herself with "Lover Avenged."
I fell hard, hook, line and sinker for Rehvenge. The hardass, drug dealing Sympath is a totally awesome and worthy male. His love, Ehlena, is the perfect balance to his character. We find out that Rehv isn't such a badass after all, but only looking out for those he loves.
We get to see more interaction with Wrath and Beth ("Dark Lover," book #1), my beloved Vishous gets some page time, as well as John Matthew and Xhex. The love scenes sizzle as always. This book takes you on one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride...and it's thrilling all the way.
I don't want to reveal anything here, but if you haven't read the book yet, or even the series, DO! If you are a paranormal romance junkie like myself, you won't regret this wonderful world of vampires that JR has created. Her imagination and storyweaving will leave you pining for more.
Kudos, JR! A job well done!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago