We had our first snowfall of the year yesterday. Snow coming down like all hell...but not sticking, thankfully. At least not in my neck of NJ. I know a few people who were coated with up to 2" of the white, wet, heavy stuff. (No, that's not a picture from NJ....just one taken from a trip to Scotland...but I thought it appropriate for the topic!)
In October.
Seeing how we've had a very wet year already, this early snowfall doesn't bode well for a light winter. I think we're gonna get snowed under!
Which, on the other hand, is perfect reading weather! I've loaded up (or should I say reinforced?) my TBR pile, moving it from the little box to a great big Rubbermaid bin. So go ahead Old Man Winter, and do your worst! I'm set!
We've hit a snag with "Daughter of the Aire" and that novel is being moved to the back burner for now. It needs some heavy editing and right now I don't have the time or the inclination to start tearing that story apart. My editor, Kimi, seems to think there was some weird crap going on in my life at the time I was writing it. Quite frankly, I really don't remember what the hell was going on two years ago! (Let alone yesterday...*slinks off*)
Soooo, I'm putting all my energies into working on "The Awakening." (That title is going to be changed...I hate it. But for now...) Kimi has already read the first five chapters and she loves it. Which is a good thing. I was getting a little nervous there after her review of Daughter. *wipes brow* So Venom it is. And you know what? I'm sure that was his plan all along. Sneaky reptile that he is. Have I mentioned how overtly hot he is? No? Well....let me tell you....I sweat when I'm writing his scenes. Don't let the serpent references put you off.
Let's see....what else....
We had our Keep Clan Gathering down in Washington DC this past weekend, and it was a blast! It was great to finally meet the faces behind the posts from The Keep. Everyone was great and I think a good time was had by all.
Speaking of The Keep: We are still taking recipes for our charity Keep Cookbook that we hope to have published by CafePress and out in time for the holidays in December. So please, if you have a good recipe to share and want to have your name in print, stop by the Keep and drop it off in our Kitchen thread. While you're there, check out the rest of the board. Book lovers and writers abound, sharing their reviews, criticisms and camaraderie. It truly is a great place to hang out. I've got the best members in the world. *sends out the luv to my Keepers*
OK. Well I guess that's about it for now. It's football season and that means running around to practice and games with my son. (Their record at the moment is 4 -1. Mama and Papa are very proud! :))
Wherever your wanderings take you, stay safe, stay healthy and enjoy life. Muuah!