So, as most of you already know, I'm in mid-first draft of "The Awakening," and for the past, oh week or so, the flood gates have opened up and Venom is flowing onto the page like water. I don't know how it works for you other writers, but I get bits and pieces of scenes, dialog, names, places etc. and then I'm supposed to make some sort of sense out it.
I've been plodding along on this project, writing a bit here and a bit there, making no great strides to speak of, but writing enough to keep the juices flowing. Scratching my head as I put scenes together, not really understanding WHY I'm supposed to put this one next to that one, but I do it because that's what my instincts tell me to do.
Then WHAM!
I get this new character (or in this case a special GROUP that is a character) and suddenly as I discover who they are and what they do, all the strange bits and pieces I linked together up until this point make perfect sense. These guys are the key to the story, the link that threads throughout the storyline.
I am once again amazed, not at myself, but at how the subconscious mind always seems to be way ahead of the game and knows what it is doing. I refer to this alter-ego as my Muse, and so far she (or possible he) has been spot-on.
So I am a writing fool these days, making like a Ghost at my usual haunts and at The Keep. I really hope they don't think I'm ignoring them, cause I'm not. It's just that Venom and The Muse are such demanding taskmasters at the moment.
On another note, it seems that my publisher, BookSurge, is merging into Create/Space, and the new company seems to have more reasonable rates and pricing for their books. This is a great relief as I am most annoyed at the pricing they placed on "The Sagittary," causing those who would normally buy, to back off. And that really sucks. I am looking into revising "The Sagittary" into a shorter version, taking out a lot of the book that, while not intrinsic to the story, definitely fills it out and gives it a 'real flavor.' I hate to do that, but I have to in order to make the pricing more palatable. If I do this, I would probably post those 'deleted scenes' up in The Keep. So I'll keep you posted on how that goes. But in the meantime, I'm watching my page count this time around so "The Awakening" will be as cheap as I can make it without sacrificing the meat of the story.
As usual, I've been posting 'teasers' at The Keep. So if you want to get a little taste of Venom and see what he's about, head on over.
That's it for now...back to the keys. Read happy!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago