's true. After two-plus years of waiting, Venom is finally complete. I just finished up the last of his edits this morning, and I can say with absolute certainty that he is DONE. I can finally look forward to a November 2012 release and get him off my plate. All that's left is the formatting of the manuscript and the blocking of the book cover and I can set him free.
*breathes a sigh of long-overdue relief*
A big thanks to Felecia for stepping in at the last minute and helping me put the last bit of spit and polish on the snaky one. You filled a very big pair of shoes, girlfriend.
Next up is Toryn, the big, sexy Avalar who was pushed to the back burner to get a slight overhaul and bring his story more into a 'modern' taste. It's a rewrite and hopefully will not take another year to complete. With any luck, he should hit the streets sometime in the spring of 2013.
What's on the horizon? Well...we've got Jarred, who is my sensual Green Dragon, and the Muse has whispered to me about a set of triplets....Panthers all.....who like to share. You can get an eyeful of the very first scene the Muse presented to me at The Keep.
You can also find the first Chapters of "The Sagittary" there, as well as Chapters 1 and 2 of "Theh Colubrii," and also the rough draft of the first chapter from "Three Breaths of the Dragon," which is Jarred's story. Click on the link for THE KEEP and check under the "Stories from the Mist" forum.
Thank you to all my friends, family, KEEPers and my growing reader base for all their patience and support. Love you all!!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago