*takes a deep breath*
*lets it out slowly*
*considers the blank parchment upon the table*
*ponders where to start *
*bites tip of quill*
*puts quill back into inkpot*
*wanders off into the mysts to think*
A beginning is never easy for it sets the tone for what will follow. I have never, other than in my regular schooling, have taken a writing class. I am told that I have a natural ability to relate a story. Descriptive, funny, animated. At any one time, I have some sort of scenario going through my mind. At one point, I had to start putting it down on paper...it just felt right. That original story is still unfinished and I feel terrible about it. My characters are frozen in time, unable to continue until I deem it ready to do so. Because in the world of books, the writer is god. We have the power to create, the power to direct, the power to kill. So until I am ready, frozen in time they will stay.
But it is not from lack of wanting to finish that original story. It is because my muse has been whispering to me...giving me ideas that I can't ignore. If I do, she will stop speaking to me. And where would that leave me? I get scenes, flashes of dialog, glimpses of actions. My characters do not speak to me, but rather show me. How many times have I been at work to have a wonderful line of dialog suddenly show up in the middle of reading contracts? How many times has a delicious love scene shown up during computer upgrades? I grab for the nearest sticky pad and jot down notes furiously. These make their way home to a folder where they are cataloged into some sort of order. Eventually they form a story.
I don't seek to become the next J.K. Rowling but only to have my stories read by others who enjoy the same types of tales that I can tell. So far, according to friends, family and co-workers, I'm doing well. One day I will get that story finished. And one day, I will see it in print. Until then, I will continue to listen to the whispers of my muse and continue setting them down to paper. Because only in written form will they come to life. TMS
*wanders in from the mysts...*
*curls up in front of fire*
Mysts of the Dragon looks great, Terri!
I'm so happy you decided to dedicate a place like this to your thoughts on writing. I love to learn about authors and their unique writing processes, and knowing you personally as a friend gives my role as spectator all the more meaning. I'm looking forward to reading all that you post here!
Hey, moon!
Love the look and feel of your place!
*shivers in suspense* Can't wait to see what ya bring!
Great start, Terri!
Looking forward to following along with you on this journey.
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