Moon Phase


Sunday, April 26, 2009

What Happened to Spring?


I admit that I was tired of the cold weather and all ready to welcome Spring with open arms. The thought of starting my flowers in Jiffy Pots, planting my bulbs and planning my vegetable garden had me with a bad case of Spring Fever.

But, where did Spring go?

It's 90 degrees today (probably hotter, just haven't checked) and it's supposed to be in the high 80's all this week here on the East Coast.


What happened to the nice, 70-degree weather that heralded Spring....the cool nights where you could have your windows open and let in all that nice fresh air? Who the heck decided to drop us smack-dab into Summer?

I am not ready for Summer.
My house is not ready for Summer.
My wardrobe is not ready for Summer.

Will someone please call back Spring?


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