Tessa Chiron has always had a love for mythology, and especially a fondness on the historical representation of Centaur. Working in the Literary Department at the University gave her more than the average opportunity to indulge in her passion and learn everything she could about the mythological creatures that were half-man/half-stallion, Centaurs. Waking one morning to an early delivery, Tessa finds that a mysterious person had sent her a very old leather bound book and a beautiful gold necklace with a Centauress depicted on its front in a peculiarly awkward pose. Bizarre in the fact alone that someone would send her such a valuable gift with no return address and but even more so in that the book itself was empty, the pages bare with the exception of a few yellow bookmarks within. Tessa is intrigued to find out more about her mysterious gift and finds a hint inside the cover that leads to a miraculous story appearing before her on the pages of the journal. By placing the necklace around her neck, she is gifted with the sight to read the tales put forth by several women, women who were taken from this plane and lived their lives as Mares to the Stallion, the leader of the Centaurs who reside in a beautiful valley.
The seduction by Darien, the sexy Centaur in her dreams, and the fact that the chain will not come off her neck leads Tessa to more than accept that she has found a link to a secret world that no one else had been a part of for centuries. Her dream man/Stallion needs her to find something stolen from his world then bring it to him along with herself, forever to stay in the lands of the Centaurs. Using the talents of her best friend, Carmen, and help from the Arts Department, they find the object that her dream man desires, the object that will return luck and prosperity to their lands and people. The only problem is it is owned by a handsome yet dark man who is very covetous of his idol making it very difficult to abscond with the prize and return it to the man awaiting on the other side of her dreams.
Adapting to her new life, Tessa finds that it is not easy to change from the modern woman to the rules and ways of their secluded life. Falling in love with the Stallion who claims her, proclaiming himself her sire, his offer to “wed” her and give her the title of his Mare helps to sooth Tessa’s reluctance of the situation she cannot escape. When Darien allows her the boon he promised—to speak one time to her best friend in dreamspeak—things in their little valley get even more complicated when Carmen and the mystery man appear. Struggling to accept this new wrinkle in her life, Tessa must find a way to accept another into her life with the appearance of Darien’s twin, Peiter, who finds his way into her bed and her heart, if she is to accomplish a test the God Poseidon set up for her—a test that will either solidify the Centaurs’ life for centuries to come or strip them all of what they are struggling to hold on to without a true Centauress to guide them and give them hope for future generations to come. The quest set, Tessa is finally shown her true self by the Goddess herself and given the knowledge she needs to hopefully complete the tasks before her in her position as their first Centauress and the true hope for all of their futures.
I really did not know what to expect with this book. Shock and a teensy tiny bit of negativity was felt when a 740 page opus was opened on my laptop, but those feelings soon became replaced by feelings of exuberance and captivated interest as I sped through the journey with Tessa, Darien and Peiter. To say that I have not had such an about face to the positive side in my opinion of a book in quite some time would be false. I have to say instead that I loved the book. Again, I hesitated to see how this fantasy book would handle what is basically “equine/human” sex, but it was done so tastefully and sensuously; I felt drawn into their, at times, very emotional bedroom play. I particularly was laughing out loud and begging for a bit more clarity when it came to an orgy scene between the three Centaur brothers and the two human women—especially it was speculated at their morning meal that Tessa and Carmen might have had some fun on their own with the men sitting back to enjoy the show. With that set aside, Tessa held her own with the dominant Centaur men, and the way she reacted to giving up her existence in our world to live with the men she loved was excellent writing and propelled the plot of the novel throughout their plight and their fight to save this unknown world from decimation. I loved, for the most part, all of the storyline, with only a bit of question as to my feelings for some of Carmen’s reactions/actions which came across a bit too needy and whiny. Even with the length of the novel, there was no fluff involved in cultivating the story; in fact, if anything, there were a few instances where I wanted a bit more out of the scenes. The Sagittary was one very interesting, emotional and exciting fantasy escape, and I really hope that the readers of this review take the time to plunge into this offering. It is definitely worth the time to take a chance and immerse yourself in some Mythological Centaur love.
Book Stats:
- Paperback: 740 pages
- Publisher: BookSurge Publishing (October 8, 2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1439203210
- ISBN-13: 978-1439203217
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