Hurricane Irene has blown through the eastern seaboard, leaving death, destruction and flooding in her wake. Thank God she was downgraded to a category 1 hurricane by the time it hit NJ. The night she hit was wild with rain and wind, power loss and flying debris. I can't imagine what the higher category hurricanes are like. While my home is in a protected dell, we were still worried about the trees. The ground was so saturated from all the rain we've been having, we were more afraid that the wind was going to take down one of the monsters that stand sentinel above my roof. We even made our daughter sleep downstairs that night as she has the attic room and would be the first to know that a tree had come down.
The next day found our street flooded, the brook that runs along side overflowing for the first time in all the years I have lived here. It was a good example of how powerful mother nature can be.
My thoughts to those in the harder hit states, hoping they can get their lives back together as soon as possible and leave Irene behind them.
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
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