So, here I am in May, and the editing part of the manuscript is practically done. It's getting a final read through for continuity and to see if there are any portions that need to be fleshed out a little more, or cut out completely. (I'm currently at 569pp.)
Spoke with my rep at the publisher today and went through some deets on what we need to do once the MS is ready to go. I have also started working with my brother in-law on the cover and internal artwork.
So all in all, things seem to be pulling together. With any luck, The Sagittary should be available by the end of June. I've got a mixed bag of feelings in my stomach: Excited, worried, scared. I'm sure it's normal...I am, after all, getting ready to send my baby out into the big world.
I have decided to issue my novels under the common heading of: Stories from the Myst. I don't know if I'll be doing any kind of 'series' on any of them, but figured I'd give them a heading under which they could all fall.
My latest manuscript is coming along nicely. I haven't been writing as much as I'd like as I've been involved with my new message board. (See link below). The Keep is turning out to be a wonderful place and it has grown faster than I had expected. There is a bunch of talented people there that are creating their own stories and intertwining them with other stories that are evolving on the board. It's a wonderful process to see.
Well, I think that about covers it for now. I had wanted to post since it has been awhile. Thanks for stopping in!!
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
1 comment:
Great news, moon!!!
Looking forward to getting to read a book by someone I "know". lol
So glad this is working out for you!
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