The manuscript and the book cover for "The Sagittary" is now in the hands of the publisher! If all goes well and there's no technical items that need to be addressed, "The Sagittary" should be available by September 6th, the latest.
It's been a long and enlightening ride and I can't believe Darien is about to be let loose in the world. Oh boy.
Here is the picture from the book cover, designed by my brother in law, Chris Huntley, who is a very talented individual.

I hope that you will enjoy reading his story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. My writing is not deep or complicated; they are an easy read, titillating, and fun. If you're looking for complicated plots and complex characters, you'll need to find another author. *grins* But hope you give mine a shot anyway.
Please feel free to post any questions you might have about the book or feel free to shoot me an email. And don't forget to visit our message board, "The Keep," the link for which is below. We've got quite a community of talented contributors and wonderful stories posted there. It is an Adult forum, so be forewarned accordingly.