The question was posed to me the other day as to whether or not I considered the relationship between Darien and Tessa a form of bestiality. In a word, no.
Darien is a Centaur...half man, half horse. While I can see how the thought process would lead someone to ponder that question, my reply, again, would be a resounding NO.
I consider bestiality to be a sexual encounter between a human and an animal. Centaurs are not animals. The 'thinking' end is very much human as any other hot blooded male. He cannot help that he was born with the lower body of a horse. (Not that he would complain...he's very proud of his heritage and his bloodline.) Unlike an animal that cannot express its own preferences, Darien is very capable of communicating his wants and desires.
But for those who might feel....uncomfortable...with their relationship, please rest assured that I took care of that angle and I'm sure you'll manage the story quite nicely. After their first few get togethers, you won't even notice that he's different.
Now that being said, who could resist a large, alpha male going a little animal on you? Not me.
Friday Book Club
2 days ago
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