Moon Phase


Monday, September 29, 2008

Slowly, But Surely....

Well, we had to do a little more editing and fixing up to the book.

A divider page ended up on the wrong side of the book, and although I could have left it, it stood out that the first two divider pages were on the right side of the book, and this one was on the left.

Soooooo, we had to fix and resubmit the file for proofing. It has gone through all the steps once again, and now I'm waiting for proof book #2 to review. Once I am satisfied with the revisions, we should finally be on our way.

Looks like the middle of October will finally be the release date. Thank you all for being so patient. I certainly hope you feel it was worth the wait!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Proof Copy Has Arrived!

I am holding in my hot little hands the proof copy of The Sagittary. I am supposed to be checking it out, making sure all the pages, illustrations, cover, etc are as I want it.

Instead, I sit and stare at it.

All 739 pages.

It took me a year to write it. To put down to paper a story that was floating around inside my head...possibly even started out as a bit of a dream that I remembered. That sounds more plausible, as that's where most of my ideas come from.

My big, bulky manuscript is now compact and tidy in this one, small package. There is a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not sure if it's excitement, concern or dread. I feel all of that. I still feel that slight reluctance to let my baby go out into the big, harsh world.

I hope it will take those who read it away from their day-to-day for awhile. I hope not too many people hate it. I hope some people like it.

I hope.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

We've Hit a Bump in the Road...

UPDATE: 9/1/08: Well, the best-laid plans of mice and men...

We hit a snag with the book cover. Some of our margins are a little off and the graphics slightly off-center. So my BIL is working out those kinks and we'll be uploading the corrected version this week. The manuscript was perfectly formatted. Soooooo, it looks like we'll be off the ground sometime around September 15. We'll keep you posted....stay tuned! TMS

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