Thanks to my wonderful friend, DarlingDiva (Nancy) for finding out that my book is finally listed on Amazon.com!! It currently says unavailable, but I'm sure that will change this week...if BookSurge has it already posted, availability can't be far behind! I was informed two weeks, but the gods willing, I'm hoping for this week!!
*deep breath*
It seems so weird to see it actually there. Like it's not real....at least for me. I've got four of these suckers sitting on my table...three proof copies and one 'final' copy. And let me tell you, Darien is BIG...and thick...
But I don't want to get carried away. His ego is big enough without me pumping it up some. As I sit here writing this, he's in my mind chuckling in that deep, smooth voice of his. He's also mentioning a few things that I simply won't post here. Centaurs really know how to make a female blush. S'all I'm sayin.
Once again, thanks to all my family, friends and co-workers for your wonderful words of support, wisdom and witty criticisms. I hope Darien delivers.
Love to all,
Hey baby...are ya still breathing??? I hope you don't mind sharing Darien. I know I cannot wait until he is in my hands.
Yeah, Diva, I'm still breathing. And I'm sure Darien doesn't mind being shared....or handled! LOL!
While you ladies enjoy the company of Darien give me Pieter. He makes my socks smoke. While being such generous gentle men they appear to have room for all of us. More, please, I want more.
MavenMaker...are you the one with the funky name spelling?? LOL!!! Thanks for the review...unfortunately, no new Centaur story lines have been presented to me by my fickle Muse. She whispering sweet nothings in my ear about this serpent dude....
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